the case of stan session 4

 After viewing this session, address any (or all) of the questions below.  The only exception is question #11. It is a required question. Please make sure you address this in one of your posts.  Our goal is to get a discussion going about how we individually and collectively might think about the session and what we would change. Don’t worry about being profound. Just have an opinion and dive in to the discussion. Feel free to disagree with each other, but please do it respectfully. 

1. What would you say to Stan when he brings up the matter of how he nearly lost his father and that Stan was concerned that his father would not live to see him become successful? 

2. How can exploring Stan’s fears about dying be a catalyst for making significant changes in his life? 

3. In Stan’s case, how are the themes of the reality of death and the meaning of life related? 

4. What are you inclined to say to Stan when he says, “I’m 35 and I wonder what I have done with my life so far?” 

5. To what extent do you agree with the notion that the reality of death jars us into taking the present moment seriously? 

6. Stan tends to be hard on himself and is very critical of himself in most areas of his life. What thoughts do you have of how you might work with Stan on this? 

7. Stan says that he would like to matter and wants to make a difference? What would you say to him at this point? 

8. There are few techniques in existential therapy. How would this be for you in your work with Stan? 

9. At this point, what do you imagine is the most challenging aspect of being Stan’s therapist? 

10. The therapist (Jerry) suggests that Stan write a letter to his father in his journal, but not mail this letter. If you were Stan’s therapist, how would you follow up on this assignment? 

11. As A Christian therapist, what might be some issues/interventions/approaches you might consider in this particular sessIon with Sam?

Video YouTube link 

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