
Using the 10 articles attached on the topic noncontingent reinforcement to reduce disruptivebehaviors in the classroom, include the following in your Word document:

  • Summarize the 10 articles paying particular attention to the methodology used.
    • What was the identified problem?
    • What questions were asked?
    • What method or methods were used?
    • Did the methods align with the problem and questions?
    • What were the outcomes of the study?
    • Would you have conducted this study in the same way? Why or why not?
  • Identify ethical issues or concerns related to the topic and/or theory.
  • 5 pages required, not including title page or reference page.


This assignment focuses on methodology (single-subject research in applied behavior analysis) and the method you might use to address the topic noncontingent reinforcement to reduce disruptive behaviors in the classroom, keeping in mind that the questions should guide the method and that particular questions lend themselves to particular methods. As you find additional library articles related to your topic, focus on the methodology in use: do you see alignment among the problem, questions, and the methods chosen? Why or why not? If you had conducted this study, would you have gone about it in the same way?

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