weekly assingment

On this forum, I am looking for discussion of the data literacy issues that might arise in relation to the sex offender map that was drafted following the case of Ontario (Community Safety and Correctional Services) v Ontario (Information and Privacy Commissioner). 

I am looking for everyone to post their thoughts about any one (or more) issues that might come up in terms of how the information is interpreted. As noted in the podcast, the map can only show those sex offenders that have been convicted of sexual crimes. This is far from representative of all sexual offenders in Ontario since there are many who are never convicted (for a variety of reasons that are discussed in the podcast I linked for you in the slides).

What other issues do you think might come up in terms of the way the information is represented. Are there other reasons you can think of that might affect the accuracy of the picture that is painted by the map? Any thoughts are welcome. Once you post, you will see posts made by others.

The discussion board will remain open until March 2 at 5pm. You can post during your reading week or when you return, but please do so before March 2nd so that your participation for this week’s lesson is counted!

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