Reflection Paper 2 – Psych

  1. Five “Reflection Papers” will be due throughout the course.  One paper will be due at the end of each unit (at the same time as the exam).  For each paper, you will have a couple of topics from which to choose.  The topics for your first paper can be found below.  Each paper should be in Word or WordPerfect format and should be at least 2 – 3 pages long. 

    I want to see you reflect on the material and show how the study of psychology is relevant to everyday life.  You should supplement our text material with relevant information from other sources (books, magazines, internet sources).  Be careful!!!  There is a lot of material on the internet that is of questionable accuracy. 

    The topics you can choose from for the second Reflection Paper are:

    1)  Describe the characteristics associated with meditation, and discuss the major physiological processes that can be affected by this alternate state of consciousness.  Write a brief description of one method of entering into a meditative state.

    2)  Describe how the principles of classical conditioning, operant conditioning, and cognitive-social learning are involved in the acquisition of prejudice.

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