Read the supplemental reading below (it is also in Module 2) and complete the as

Read the supplemental reading below (it is also in Module 2) and complete the assignment.  This article is an actual case that went to court and the plaintiff was awarded a settlement. Do you think this was the cause of the PTA making poor decisions?  Or was the PTA treating with inadequate supervision ?  What do you think could/should have been done differently in order to ensure the Patients safety?  Could this happen in a different setting?  Can you identify the first mistake made by the PTA?  What should have been done differently?  Did they make the right decision to leave the Patient in her current state without family assistance?  What level of supervision was the PTA under? Site the correct supervision level required by Ca state law and discuss whether or not the PTA was following proper guidelines/laws/regulations?  Did the treating therapist violate any of the APTA standard of ethics, or guide of conduct? 
This assignment is expected to be submitted in essay format (APA Format) with a minimum 2 pages and reference page.  Read the article provided then identify and discuss where the treating therapist made mistakes.  List/site any relevant aspects of Ca state practice act, APTA standards of ethics and guide of conduct.
This assignment is worth 30 points: 
15 points for content (See below for content point breakdown)
10 points for format: APA, minimum, 2 pages  1 inch margins, Spacing needs to be at least 1.5, no more than double.  12 point arial or calibri.  
5 points for reference page in proper format:  Use a minimum 3 sources
Content Point breakdown:
Grading is as follows: 15 point total
15: Answers questions fully with good support from the text, videos and notes. 
10: Answers questions with limited support from resources.
7.5: Answers questions with insufficient support from the book and/or sources.
0: does not complete the assignment.

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