Intro Each paper needs to have an introduction that addresses 4 things: the titl

Each paper needs to have an introduction that addresses 4 things: the title of the debate , the names of both the “Yes” and “No” authors and your own opinion . Your opinion should serve as the thesis for the entire paper . You may include more in your introduction but do not include less .
Debate Setup
Each paper needs to provide a review or synopsis of the “issue Summary” at the beginning of the debate. Each debate starts with an “Issue Summary” section that sets the stage for the debate. The editors feel it’s best that you know why there is a debate in the first place before the authors present the “yes” and “No” sides. This is basically a read check — read the issue Summary and tell me what it
“Yes” Side
Each paper needs to provide a detailed review of the “Yes” side of the debate. In doing so, you need to isolate at least three different arguments the author is making . The author is obviously arguing “yes” to the question, but they are doing so for different reasons. Isolate three reasons and write a paragraph on each one.
“No” Side
Each paper needs to provide a detailed review of the “No” side of the debate. In doing so, you need to isolate at least three different arguments the author is making. The author is obviously arguing “no” to the question, they are doing so for different reasons. Isolate three reasons and write a paragraph on each one.
Your Opinion
Each paper needs to provide your own opinion in the debate. After reading both sides, which one do you side with? There is no right or wrong answer, but you do need to explain your position. In doing so, you need to state why you agree with one side, and why you disagree with the other. In certain, odd instances, it may be possible to agree with both authors. If so, you would have to explain that as well . This is all about you and what you think.
The source used for this is Taking Sides: Clashing Views in United States History, Volume 1. Be sure to site.

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