organizations are facing a tremendous problem with social media. On one hand, social media such as Facebook, My Space, and Twitter can be extremely useful for effective and efficient communication.

Development Research Paper: Final Assignment Instructions
Review the feedback you received from your instructor for the Policy
Development Draft. Make the necessary changes to your work and resubmit the Policy Development Research Paper: Final Assignment.
Law enforcement
organizations are facing a tremendous problem with social media. On one hand,
social media such as Facebook, My Space, and Twitter can be extremely useful
for effective and efficient communication. On the other hand, law enforcement executives
are constantly facing situations in which employee misconduct is occurring
through social media. Police officers are accessing social media from their
workstations and patrol cars during their shifts. Police officers are posting
information that is unbecoming for an officer as well as degrading and
disrespectful to the profession. Police unions and police officer organizations
such as the Fraternal Order of Police and the PBA are opposed to departmental
policies that infringe on police officers’ constitutional rights. How do law
enforcement organizations regulate the use of social media? Just about every
major law enforcement organization has a Facebook account associated with the
organization’s website. Therefore, should law enforcement organizations
regulate individual officer’s social media activity?
the policy manager for your law enforcement organization, please research the
best practices related to the regulation of police officers’ use of social
media and develop a department policy. This research should include interviews
with your local law enforcement leaders to determine how they are addressing
this issue. In addition, please read the “Social Media” study conducted by the
International Association of Chiefs of Police; it can be found in the Policy
Development Research Paper: Draft Resources section.
The paper must
consist of the following:
of 5 full pages excluding the title page, abstract, and reference pages.
of at least 3 scholarly/governmental sources.
APA formatting.
sources (course textbooks, academic books, peer-reviewed journal articles
published within the last 5-10 years only).
assignment requires that students follow a template. Students must review and
follow the template carefully. Students must include a running header, title
page, abstract (between 120-250 words), proper APA headings/subheadings and a
reference page. Please note that students are asked not to omit any of
the bold headings that are already clearly named in the template.
Students are only asked to add/rename the APA headings/subheadings to keep the
paper organized, and to insert their written content into the appropriate
sections of the template.
Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality
via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.

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