Your Resilience to Change

Change is all around us, it happens often and this pattern does not appear to be slowing down. How we manage our resilience to change within ourselves is important. It is even more important to understand how resilient you are to change if you are in a management or leadership role. Assisting employees to successfully navigate change and become resilient to change is a key skill needed in the organizations of today.

Before we can help others become resilient to change we have to understand our own resilience. Click on the link below to take the Assessment: How Resilient Are You?   

Now that you have a better understanding of how resilient you are to change lets explore how to build stronger resilience. Read the following HuffPost article that explores a variety of approaches to help you build your resilience to change:  

Next, research methods managers/leaders can utilize to help employees become resilient to change.

Your assignment is: answer the following questions, include each numbered question before your response. 

Cite all sources in APA format (in-text citations and references). Avoid plagiarism, give credit where credit is due!

  1. Do you agree with the Assessment: How Resilient Are You quiz results? Provide a summary of your results and explain why you do or do not agree with the results. 
  2. Review your results, of the three Cs (Challenge, Control, and Commitment) which area would you improve upon, if any? Explain your rationale. 
  3. Which of the techniques recommended in the HuffPost article do you think would benefit you the most? Explain in detail why you selected these techniques. 
  4. Share an example of a time you went through a change, how resilient were you? Reflecting back could you have been more resilient to the change? Explain. 
  5. Based on your research explain at least 2 methods managers/leaders can utilize to help employees become resilient to change. 
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