Ice Cream Parleur

You are now the proud owner of Insane Ices, an ice cream shop that specializes in odd flavours!

You have 3 or 4 flavours you like to promote each week, so create a function  or multiple functions, that will show a list of this week’s flavours, and when a client makes a selection, an image of the product is shown alongside the menu.

You will need to use a pull-down box (a select), for the client to make a selection.

The images should show up in a box adjacent to the menu selection.

We will be re-visiting this exercise later on, so don’t erase it!

A few notes. The top item in a select list can be used as a default, so if a client doesn’t select, they get plain old vanilla or something! (Onion and avocado flavour??)   This is a beginner project. 

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