Historical fiction: Style,Tone,& benefits

Step 1: Pick two books (they do not need to be on the above list; just make sure the books are Historical Fiction books) for this assignmentKeep in mind that while many historical fiction books are novels, there are numerous  that are historical fiction, as well.  On your submission, list the Title & Author for each of your chosen books.

Step 2: Write a five-paragraph essay (each paragraph at least 5-7 sentences):

Paragraphs 1 & 2 (for Book 1): Describe the author’s style and tone for one of your selected historical fiction books. Make sure to address the components such as word choice, imagery (notthe same as illustrations), and metaphors found in the “Style” Google Slide presentation. Give examples. If, for example, you believe the tone of your book was humorous, share examples of humor from the book. 

Paragraphs 3 & 4 (for Book 2): Do the exact same thing for the second historical fiction book you selected (describe style and tone). 

Paragraph 5: This paragraph needs to include the benefits of historical fiction for children.

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