Sir Isaac Newton

Purpose of the Assignment: This assignment is meant to give you a chance to dig deeply into something you learned about this term and to gain experience writing a research paper. 

What you are writing: Choose a person, innovation, or invention from our readings over the term and write a short research paper about it. (SIR ISAAC NEWTON)

Be sure to address the following points. 

  1. What is the significance of the person or innovation you are researching? 
  2. If an invention, how did it come about? If a person, how did they become a scientist? 
  3. What controversy, if any, was experienced at the time? 
  4. What impact did the person/invention have on scientific progress? 
  5. How is the person/thing still influencing science today? 

Key components: 

  • The paper should be three to five double spaced pages in length using 12 point font. 
  • All paraphrased facts and information must have a citation associated with them. 
  • All direct quotes need to be cited and all quotes must be followed by your analysis and interpretation of the quote. 
  • A bibliography must be included. 
  • Three scholarly sources must be used. This does not include your class readings.  
  • All papers need to have an introduction, a thesis statement, and a conclusion. 

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