research and report on developmental stage

Applied Final Project: What are the Issues An Investigative Essay

This assignment will leverage your curiosity and reinforce your understanding of lessons learned throughout the course.  It will invite you to explore your ideas and to connect lifespan development concepts to daily living.

The What are the Issues paper is an integrative assignment that supports synthesis and the three learning outcomes for the course:

  • apply empirical research and theories of lifespan development to enhance interpersonal, community, and organizational relationships
  • apply knowledge of lifespan development to inform personal growth and communicate effectively
  • use critical and creative thinking and the scientific approach to make ethical and logical decisions related to lifespan development

Objective:   Research and report on (a) a developmental stage and (b) a developmental topic relevant to experiences and outcomes of the developmental stage.  Submit a 6- to 8-page, APA style research paper, that 1) communicates how the developmental stage is defined in terms of physical, cognitive, and psychosocial domains; 2) introduces research on a developmental topic relevant to the experiences and outcomes of the developmental stage, with an emphasis on fundamental issues, questions, and controversies; and 3) presents your synthesis of lessons learned through research and the writing of the paper.

Instructions Summary: The principal steps for the assignment are

  1. Select a developmental stage of life you are interested in and choose a topic that intrigues you from the following list. If you want to write on a topic not listed here, get your instructors approval first.
  2. Research the developmental topic using the UMGC library, focusing on fundamental issues, questions, and controversies that bear relevance to the developmental stage you have selected.
  3. Write and submit for grading a well composed 6- to 8-page APA style formatted What are the Issues research paper. 
  • Free range parenting
  • Socialization
  • Nontraditional families
  • Birth order
  • Eating habits and disorders
  • Exposure to violence
  • Emotional bonding
  • Sleep
  • Gender identification
  • Memory
  • Self-efficacy
  • Culture



Submit a single document that 1) introduces the developmental stage you have selected; 2) introduces research on a developmental topic, emphasizing fundamental issues, questions, and controversies that bear relevance to the developmental stage you have selected; 3) presents your synthesis of lessons learned through the research and writing of the paper; and 4) addresses the requirements listed here.

Within the document

  1. Introduce. Concisely introduced the reader to the developmental stage anddevelopmental topic to which the paper is dedicated. Clearly define terms and theory when introduced in the paper. Anchor the paper through a well-constructed thesis statement.
  2. Have purpose.  Dedicate discussion to 1) current understanding of the selected developmental stage to include physical, cognitive, psychosocial domains; 2) the relevance of the selected developmental topic (fundamental issues/impact, questions, controversies); and 3) synthesis of personal lessons learned. All topics are to be discussed in clear detail.
  3. Connect.  Throughout the paper, support assertions made. Express interrelated ideas coherently and logically.
  4. Include sources. Support discussions (topics and logic) with sound research, evidenced through the integration of properly applied and cited theory and facts collected from course sources AND a minimum of five (5) peer-reviewed professional sources from our UMGC Library. The five peer-reviewed sources should be new (i.e., not included in course learning resources lists) and recent(within last 10 years). Sources beyond this minimum can be older. 
  5. Use Authorial Voice.   Discuss materials in your own words and your own writing style and structure. Avoid excessive use of direct quotes. Doing so may incur a point penalty for each occurrence and will not be accepted as content towards the page count of the reflection paper.
  6. Apply APA Style**.  Neatly and concisely present an APA formatted document containing  
    • Title Page
    • Introduction
    • Introductory paragraph(s) 
      • Developmental Stage 
      • Developmental Topic 
    • Synthesis/Lessons Learned 
    • References
      • Properly formatted in-text citations and references** 


    **Use APA style  and subheadings, double-spacing, an appropriate  (e.g., Times Roman 12-point; Arial 11-point; Calibri 11-point), 1-inch margins (left, right, top, and bottom), page numbering, and logical flow from topic to topic.  Write with clarity, paying attention to spelling, , and syntax. Consult the , for proper form of  in-text and .  You can also take advantage of the UMGC Effective Writing Center to gain early feedback and assistance with APA compliance. 

    UMGCs Effective Writing Center:   


    Step 3: Write the Paper

    Section lengths are averages noted from past student submissions.  They are not absolute targets.  Develop your paper to meet your message and expressive needs, while meeting assignment requirements. Write in the past tense when discussing the research conducted.  The observation has concluded, and you are reporting on your findings.


    The following provides a scaffold approach to writing the What are the Issues paper.  Within the guidance you will find expectations for each section of the paper are outlined and are accompanied by occasional suggestions for success.  Please read this guidance carefully before you begin writing your paper. 

    Do not forget:  Structure your paper utilizing APA style (7th Edition)

    Title Page (follow APA guidance for student papers – ) (Does not count towards the page count goal.)

    Introduction (Approx. .5 1 page)

    • In one to two paragraphs, briefly introduce the reader to the topics that guide the focus of the paper. Your goal is to provide a road map for the paper that frames the importance of the developmental stage and developmental topic discussed.  Define relevant concepts in order to anchor how they will be employed throughout the document. Cite relevant sources when appropriate.


    Developmental Stage (Approx. 1 1.5 pages) 

    Following the introductory paragraph(s), provide a dedicated discussion of the developmental stage you have selected.  A core component of the paper is a thoughtful detailing of the stage.  Clearly delineate relevant physical, cognitive, and psychosocial domains factors.  At a minimum, each domain deserves a well composed paragraph.  In this discussion do rely solely on the Lumen Learning materials. You are encouraged to branch out, incorporating peer-reviewed articles, and other supporting resources in order to demonstrate the unique characteristics of the developmental stage.


    Developmental Topic (Approx. 2 – 4 pages) 

    Following the discussion of the developmental stage, introduce the reader to the focal developmental topic.  This is the focal point of the paper.  It should be a thoughtful discussion of the issues surrounding the topic within the context of the developmental stage.  Rely on relevant literature to help you paint the picture.  The peer-reviewed articles, and other supporting resources, should be carefully incorporated into your writing, building a case for why the topic matters.  This can be achieved when you:

      • Dedicate discussion to the background and scope of the issue, and to its connections to the developmental stage.
      • Introduce prior investigations relevant to the developmental topic and share your thoughts on the accuracy and relevance of that research. 
      • Describe key issues or debates found in the literature addressing the topic within the context of the developmental stage. 

    Synthesis/Lessons Learned (Approx. 1 page)

    Clearly state what you have discovered through your investigative research.*  Reflecting on the information conveyed within the body of the paper, what are your thoughts on the issues captured?  What did you find interesting, inspiring, confusing and/or troubling?  What insights or takeaways have you gained? Provide details on why you arrive at these conclusions, demonstrating skeptical inquiry and critical thinking. Explain linkages to theories, principles, or research that mold the lessons learned.  [Reminder:  provide appropriate attribution to sources used.] 

    References (Does not count towards the page count goal.)

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