plan action

As a member of a teaching team, you will be assessing childrens behavior daily. Some teachers complain all year about one childs particularly annoying behavior and yet they never formulate a concrete plan to help the child improve. It takes team organization and planning to accomplish a change in behavior.



Observe one child over a period of two weeks. Choose one aspect of his/her behavior you feel he/she needs to work on. Include:

1.                 Name of child and a brief description of behavior that needs to be changed. List and prioritize the unacceptable behaviors. Place a * by the behavior you plan to change. State the desired behavior that should replace it. Also include your thoughts on the possible reasons for the misbehavior.

2.                 Complete six anecdotal observations that document the childs behavior. Include the date and time of the occurrence. Determine if this is an inappropriate behavior for the childs development level.

3.                 Describe six ways to teach and encourage the desired behavior. This could include activities, teaching techniques, and room modifications.  Thoroughly describe each.  For example, if you will read a book, state which book and author.  If you are going to tell the child, or explain something, state what you would say.

4.                 Use your plan for two weeks. Determine its effectiveness. Describe what you did and how the child responded. Evaluate what worked well and what didnt.

Type the report, labeling each section as identified on the following checklist. The document should be double spaced, using size 12 font which is either Times New Roman or Ariel.  Be thorough!


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