Planning chart template attached, please fill that out with all the info and tur

Planning chart template attached, please fill that out with all the info and turn it in. No citations, just include sites for reference. Here are the instructions:
For the area of Social-Emotional, use the attached template to complete a planning. 
Create two strategies for meeting the needs of middle school learners.
Identify 1-2 developmental/learner need being addressed by each strategy.
Identify 3-4 intended impacts/outcomes for the learner.
Each strategy should include at least one current (within 5 years) piece of professional research to show a clear connection between the proposed strategy and currently established research on middle school learners’ needs.
Attention should be given to developmentally and age-appropriate practices that use clear goals and can be reasonably accomplished in a typical middle school classroom setting.
Consideration should be given to ALL learners.

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