Using your Nokia as your research company, analyze its involvement in FDI over t

Using your Nokia as your research company, analyze its involvement in FDI over the past 5-10  years. Evaluate the MNC’s historical interactions as well as the approach it chooses to engage in. Items you will evaluate include yet not limited to:
Examples of FDI Nokia engaged in and why
Host country evaluation (Costs and Benefits)
Home country evaluation (Costs and Benefits)
Trade Barriers? If so what?
Celebrations to report?
Your overall opinion on the Nokia’s approach and if you believe its strategy was successful. Use one of the 4 IB strategies presented in class. Please also address WHY you took the position you took.
FDI = Foriegn Direct Investment
IB = International Business (
Resources to assist you include; the International Monetary Fund (IMF), The Bureau of Economic Analysis, Global Investment Trends Monitor Report, and The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, World Bank Indicators, Doing Business Reports, and more.
PowerPoint must have 6 slides, not including title page and reference page. Speaker Notes are needed as well.

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