Instructions The primary purpose of this assignment is to continue to apply data

The primary purpose of this assignment is to continue to apply data-centered analysis to identify and evaluate international business opportunities, while considering implications for responsible business. The secondary purpose is to enable students to begin individually analyzing an international business opportunity that can potentially relate to the team projects they will complete by the end of the course.
You will complete this assignment on an individual basis, but it will help to have formed teams first and to have at least a rough idea of your team’s project. It will be valuable for each team member to take a different approach on this assignment to help refine the scope of work for your team’s final project. Teams can be more creative by starting with divergent thinking before progressing toward convergent thinking; completing this assignment on an individual basis allows for divergent thinking, to be followed by the convergent thinking represented in your team’s final presentation. If your team is considering multiple ideas at this point, it may be useful to have different team members research the different ideas for the individual assignment, so that you can select one idea to focus on for the final team project. While communication between teammates is encouraged, your work for this individual assignment should be unique. You may also build upon work you completed for prior assignments in this course, but you cannot simply repeat analysis from a prior assignment.
Your task is to identify and evaluate an international business opportunity, using data to guide your conclusions. The opportunity can entail creating an international new venture to exploit an international business opportunity, internationalizing an existing company such as by developing a market entry strategy for a specific country, or revising the organization or strategy of a company that already operates internationally. Data sources can include the sources you have used for prior assignments in this class, but you are also encouraged to seek other sources. The data you rely on can be quantitative (e.g., country-level measures) or qualitative (e.g., interviews), and can come from either primary (e.g., official statistics) or secondary sources (e.g., trade journal reports).
Your report should consist of four sections:
Issue Statement and Methodology. Introduce the issue you have identified that may lead to an international business opportunity. Use appropriate data sources to help analyze the issue, and explain and justify the methodology you used to gather and analyze data that may be relevant to assessing the international business opportunity.
Results. Incorporate at least one or two exhibits (e.g., tables, charts, graphs, infographics) to illustrate your main results.
Conclusions. Draw appropriate inferences based on the data you have collected and analyzed. Explain why you have concluded that this is (or is not) a valuable business opportunity.
Implications for Responsible Business. Discuss implications of your analysis and conclusions for responsible business. Which of the five “bottom lines” of CSUMB’s Responsible Business Framework (profits, people, planet, equity, ethics) would be impacted by this opportunity, and how?
The attached grading rubric Download grading rubric will be used for assessment, focusing on each of the sections of the report as well as on overall critical thinking, quantitative reasoning, and written communication.
The report should consist of 300-500 words, not including exhibits.
Include at least 1-2 exhibits (graphs, charts, or tables) to appropriately present your quantitative analysis.
You are welcome to collaborate in developing strategies for completing the assignment, but each student’s written report, including all exhibits, must be original and unique.

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