Biostats Part II: Cancer Statistics Shannon Dingle 11 unread reply.11 reply. Exp

Biostats Part II: Cancer Statistics
Shannon Dingle
11 unread reply.11 reply.
Explore the web link provided
Choose a topic of interest and use the interactive databases to answer the questions posed in that week’s Canvas discussion board
Explore and comment on at least 2 peers’ submissions within the discussion board
Offer substantive scholarly feedback on relevance of the information presented
Comment on the application to either nursing practice, education. or research
During Week VI:
Cancer Statistics Interactive Tools: (Links to an external site.)
Utilize Cancer Statistics Interactive Tools for Data Interpretation: 10 points of course grade (90% for initial post and 10% for 2 Comments to Peers (5% each)
Compare 2 state cancer profiles list key data results and then note differences or similarities: (Links to an external site.)
Summarize your findings and post to the appropriate discussion board
Comment on at least 2 peer assignment submissions within the discussion board
Offer scholarly feedback on peer submission
Comment on the application to either nursing practice, education or research
Please use this instruction -Select two different types of Cancer eg breast and uterine ca ,then utilize the interactive tool to compare the Cancers from two states selected as well as against united states rates. That what the instructions mean where it says select a topic of interest. Pls use breast and prostrate Ca.
Comments from Customer
Comment on at least 2 peer assignment submissions within the discussion board – no need now

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