Write a 1500- to 2000-word Literature Review of 6 credible texts that relate to

Write a 1500- to 2000-word Literature Review of 6 credible texts that relate to your chosenissue. Ideally, your texts should be written for an academic audience, but you may include 1-2texts written for a more general audience. Your literature review should provide an overview ofthe issue you are examining; assume that your readers may have some general familiarity withit but have not read the texts that you will include in your paper.Your paper should not be a set of summaries of the 6 texts; rather, it should focus on maintopics that are part of the issue and discussed in the texts. In other words, present your readerswith acoherent overview of the ideas rather thanthe texts.In addition, you should includeyour own stance or critique towards the ideas and/or texts that youreview.Steps1. Identify a specific topic or issue that you would like to research, within the broad theme ofinternationalization/globalization of higher education (e.g., the economic motivations ofinternationalization in higher education; supporting international students at U.S. universities;adapting U.S. universities for an international student body).2. Identify the 6 texts you will include in your literature review. Four of the texts can be fromthose we read in class already or from the other texts we’ve provided as possible sources (seeAdditional Readings in D2L, Module 3). Identify 2 additional credible texts on your issue.3. Complete the literature review planning activity to identify overlaps and differences acrosstexts.4. Draft your Literature review.Partial annotated bibliographyComplete annotated bibliographyPartial literature reviewComplete draftPeer reviewRevisions and editingRelevant SLOs:2.C employ a variety of research methods, including primary and/or secondary research, forpurposes of inquiry. 2.D evaluate the quality, appropriateness, and credibility of sources. 2.Esynthesize research findings in development of an argument. 3.D identify and effectively usevariations in genre conventions, including formats and/or design features. 3.E demonstratesfamiliarity with the concepts of intellectual property (such as fair use and copyright) that motivatedocumentation conventions. 4E. evaluate and act on peer and instructor feedback to revise theirtexts. 4F. reflect on progress as an academic writer

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