Read the interview with anthropologist David Graeber at this link and write an e

Read the interview with anthropologist David Graeber at this link and write an essay relating Graeber’s views to the work of Marx and Weber.
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Read the article at this link and write an essay explaining TWO ways in which it is related to the work of Bourdieu.
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Write an essay in which you answer the following questions: Is Marxian theory an example of idealism or materialism? Is Weber’s theory in The Protestant Ethic… an example of idealism or materialism? In your essay, you should demonstrate some familiarity with the relevant theories of Marx & Weber. You should also demonstrate that you know the difference between idealism & materialism.
There are three essays you have to write. Please make them three paragraphs each. There are short articles you have to read and then do research on some of the theorist to make sure you are not wrong. Please make sure you can finish in time and are familiar with every theorist in this work. Thank you. If you need anything else please ask and dont just write anything random.

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