I need Module Five by October 25. Once that is complete then I can give you an e

I need Module Five by October 25. Once that is complete then I can give you an extension for the rest until November 1 if need be.
These instructions are just copied and pasted from the professor, if there is any clarification needed or materials I missed let me know as soon as possible for I will not have internet after Thursday.
Module Five:
4. Create your Assignment submission and be sure to cite your sources, use APA style as required, check your spelling.5.  Length: 1500 words
6.  References:  At least two scholarly references
Assignment 1:
Read all of Chapter 6 of the Jackson-Cherry & and Erford text and complete the questions, with particular consideration of the substance abuse and/or mental health implications:
1. What factors contribute to parents’ complicated grief in the case of suicide?
2. What emotions and reactions might you expect from the parents in this case?
3. What treatment goals and interventions are called for in this case?
4. Write 3 to 5 questions that you might ask parents’ about their child’s past substance use in order to assess their risk for using chemicals as a coping mechanism. State your assumptions and interpret the situation accordingly.
Your response to activities should be in a 3 to 4-page double spaced paper with appropriate APA citations and references. Use the library for peer-reviewed sources when necessary. Avoid Wikipedia! There are few completely right or wrong ways to handle counseling situations, so just do your best to apply the principles you are learning.
Assignment 2:
Consider the case of a counselor whose client committed suicide. Write a 3-4 page double-spaced paper outlining the steps you would take to debrief the counselor.
Combine the two papers into one file and submit
Module Six:
5.  Length: 1500 words
6.  References: At least two scholarly references
Read all of Chapter 8 Intimate Partner Violence of the Jackson-Cherry & and Erford text. Address the following questions, with particular consideration of the confluence of substance abuse and/or mental health implications with intimate partner violence:
A. Read “What Are Your Values and Beliefs About IPV” and respond to the following questions:
1. What has shaped your values and beliefs about IPV?
2. What other messages have you received about intimate partner violence?
3. How may your beliefs and values affect your work with clients?
B. Read “Identifying Abusing Acts Against Women” and respond to the following questions:
1. List in your paper the acts that you would consider to be abusive toward women, adding any more acts that you can identify.
2. Would your list of choices be different if you were considering IPV among racial and ethnic minorities? Toward a male? Toward someone from a more religious background? Toward someone with a disability? Toward someone identifying as LGBT?
3. Discuss how the behaviors you consider abusive may depend on the cultural makeup of the client.
Write an appropriate introduction and conclusion. Use the library for your peer-reviewed sources. Avoid Wikipedia!
Module Seven:
5.  Length: 1500 words
6.  References: At least two scholarly references
Read all of Chapters 9 and 10 of the Jackson-Cherry & Erford text. 
Write a paper based on child sexual abuse policies, procedures, and laws for your state of residence using Tables 10.2 and 10.3:
1. Policies to Know Regarding Child Sexual Abuse (list all)
2. Information to Include in an Initial Report of Child Sexual Abuse (including any forms)
In your paper, comment on the information for each topic/application and discuss how easy or difficult you think it will be to gather that information needed. The purpose of this assignment is for you to gain familiarity with the circumstances surrounding a CPS report and the information included. (Note that teachers and substitute teachers are also mandated reports of child abuse in many U.S. States.)
Make sure to include information regarding the process of making reports, including agency procedures when sexual abuse has been reported, the process involved in interviewing and investigating sexual abuse, and the timeline during which major events occur (e.g., initial interview of the child, interview of the family and/or alleged perpetrator, filing of legal charges, removal from the home, etc.).
Write an appropriate introduction and conclusion. Use the library for peer-reviewed sources when necessary. Avoid Wikipedia or non-scholarly sources!

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