Answer the following two questions. Please refer to all the relevant articles th

Answer the following two questions. Please refer to all the relevant articles that we have thus far covered in this class. Use citations and empirical examples strategically –in short, in a focused and careful way– to illustrate your answers or arguments. Please take no more than 7 pages double spaced for each question. Please use whatever citation system you prefer in all citations –and in any paraphrasing of arguments that includes language from any particular author. Please number your pages, put relevant topic headlines in BOLD at the start of every section, and make sure you have an Introduction that sets out your argument and a Conclusion that offers some thoughts on your argument’s wider analytical and/or policy implications. Also, please put your name at the top of every paper, and make sure that the file name for your paper has your first and last names! Email your papers by 10 am Thursday, October 21.
1) What is the difference –conceptually and practically –between autocracy promotion on the one hand, and on the other hand, authoritarian assistance/cooperation generally, and anti-democracy assistance in particular? Why in your view–and/or in the view of some of the authors we have read for this class– is autocracy assistance/cooperation a far more pronounced phenomenon by comparison to autocracy promotion?
2) Consider the links between diffusion and authoritarian learning. Please first define each of these terms, and pay close attention to discussing different examples or types of authoritarian learning. Why do repeated waves of diffusion often reduce the chances for successful democratic movements to challenge incumbent regimes?
* 12 point font, regular margins (no font or margin tricks please!)
Please use only attached sources

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