In this week’s reading, Brawley vividly demonstrates the distorting effects of money in commercialized health care with the case studies of Lilla Romeo and Cedric Jones. The readings continued to explore possible remedies to the effects of money in American health care. In the op-ed articles, you are presented with very different approaches to fixing U.S. health care.
1) Compare and contrast the ways that the profit motive resulted in poor care for both Romeo and Jones.
Norma Schevchenko and Mr. Huzjak are two patients who cannot identify and present their problems and needs themselves and are reliant on their family, friends, or providers to do so. One of this week’s op-ed article is about the importance of empathy in providing patient-centered, quality health care services.
Brawley discusses his personal experiences as a black man in medical training and as a black doctor in the health care system; the second op-ed article is about the lack of diversity among medical providers. Brawley also argues that the system not only harms patients and their social networks, but it also harms providers who find themselves in problematic practices and stressful situations:
2) In your view, how could the unmet needs of Norma Schevchenko or Mr. Huzjak have been addressed through empathic care? How does caring for these kinds of patients impact the providers?
Reading this Brawley book and 2 articles below) by Collins and Picarra)
Brawley, O. W. (2012). How we do harm: A doctor breaks ranks about being sick in America. St. Martin\’s Griffin.
- Chapter 9, Palpitation
- Chapter 10, Saving Mr. Huzjak
- Chapter 11, God is Calling
- Chapter 12, Ole Boys Club
Read two op-ed articles:
Ficarra, B. (2011, May 25). How empathy can help empower patients. Huffington Post. (Links to an external site.)
Collins, S. P. K. (2011, August 25). Diversity is sorely needed in medicine: Why is it lacking in certain specialties? ThinkProgress.
Struggling with Where to Start This Assignment? Follow This Guide to Tackle Your Assignment Easily!
Introduction In this assignment, you’ll be exploring two different aspects of health care as outlined in the readings and articles. The focus is on how the profit motive can harm patient care and the role of empathy in addressing unmet needs in healthcare. Let’s break down each part of the assignment and how you can approach writing your response.
Step 1: Compare and Contrast the Profit Motive’s Impact on Care for Romeo and Jones
- Start with a brief introduction to the cases:
- Lilla Romeo: Describe the situation briefly (as detailed in Chapter 9 of Brawley’s book).
- Cedric Jones: Similarly, introduce Jones’s case (from the same source).
- Analyze the impact of profit motives:
- For Romeo: Describe how the profit-driven healthcare system led to substandard care, based on Brawley’s discussion in Chapter 9. Consider whether financial interests led to inadequate testing, delayed treatments, or wrong diagnoses.
- For Jones: Explain how the same profit motives affected Jones’s treatment, particularly how his care was compromised by factors like cost-cutting, unnecessary procedures, or limited time with healthcare providers.
- Contrast their experiences:
- Compare how both individuals suffered from the system, focusing on the similarity in how profit-driven motives in the healthcare system failed them.
- Highlight differences between their cases—did the systems in place react differently, or was the same issue (e.g., insurance, lack of time, or resources) the key barrier?
Step 2: Empathic Care for Norma Schevchenko and Mr. Huzjak
- Introduce the need for empathy:
- Reference Ficarra’s article about the importance of empathy in patient care. In your introduction, briefly summarize her argument that empathy can lead to better patient outcomes.
- Discuss Norma Schevchenko and Mr. Huzjak’s needs:
- Norma Schevchenko: Explore how Norma, who is reliant on others to present her problems, might benefit from a more empathetic healthcare approach. How could providers have taken a more personalized approach to her care?
- Mr. Huzjak: Similarly, discuss how Mr. Huzjak, unable to advocate for himself, would benefit from providers who take the time to understand his unique circumstances.
- Explain how empathic care could have addressed their needs:
- Discuss how empathy—through better communication, active listening, and understanding their social context—could have led to more accurate diagnoses or more thoughtful, individualized care.
- You can refer back to the op-ed about empathy (Ficarra) and explain how this approach directly benefits patients who have limited capacity to communicate their issues clearly.
- Discuss the impact on healthcare providers:
- Reflect on how caring for these patients empathetically would affect healthcare providers, as discussed in Brawley’s experiences. Consider how empathy can be emotionally taxing for providers but also lead to more satisfying patient interactions, better patient outcomes, and less burnout.
Step 3: Conclusion
- Summarize the Key Points:
- Recap the issues surrounding the profit-driven healthcare system and its negative effects on patients like Romeo and Jones.
- Summarize how empathy could have made a difference in addressing the needs of Norma and Mr. Huzjak, both for their own well-being and for the emotional health of the providers involved.
- Final Reflection:
- Conclude by reflecting on how improving empathy and shifting focus away from profit in healthcare could benefit both patients and providers. Discuss any broader implications for improving U.S. healthcare based on what you’ve analyzed.
Step 4: Proofreading and Editing
Before submitting your paper, make sure you:
- Follow APA Formatting: Double-check your title page, in-text citations, and references page.
- Check for clarity and flow: Make sure your comparisons and contrasts are clear, and your sections transition smoothly from one idea to the next.
- Proofread for grammar and spelling errors to ensure a professional and polished final paper.
By breaking the assignment into manageable parts and staying focused on each section, you can confidently respond to the prompts and provide well-organized, thoughtful analysis.
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