Instructions Both draft and final report will have the same structure and sectio

Both draft and final report will have the same structure and sections, with different requirements of content. No APA formal formatting is required for this report. Follow the instructions regarding structure and references. The draft should contain all section headers as well as the information that is bolded (and marked with D).
Complete scientific name of the microbe in italics, except for viruses (D)
Taxonomic classification of the microbe (D). Depending on the microbe, you can use a paragraph or bullet point list.
2-3 paragraphs
• State the size of your microbe (D).
• Describe the structure of your microbe:
o If a bacterium or archaeon, describe the cell wall, outer layer if applicable, and any other structures present (flagella, pili etc.)
o If virus, what nucleic acid they present, what is the shape of the capsid, and if it has an envelope.
o If a eukaryote, describe shape, cellular characteristics, any special structures, unusual nuclei etc.
• Chemical composition if relevant: your microbe may have a special coating of some kind, or present molecules that add resistance to its structure. Mention them briefly if this is the case.
• State if your microbe is auto/hetero/chemo/phototroph (and if it changes, explain how). (D)
• If it is a virus, describe its hosts (D)
• Add any interesting details about the metabolic habits of your microbe.
Disease/condition caused by your microbe
• Describe briefly the condition/disease caused by your microbe. If it causes multiple conditions, list them and focus on the most relevant/common/serious one.
• Describe signs and symptoms of the disease.
• Describe how is it diagnosed.
• Describe how to prevent it or treat it.
List at least 7 reputable sources: peer reviewed publications, institutional and academic websites (CDC, Medscape are ok, Wikipedia and individual or commercial websites/blogs not).

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