Prompt: Read Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid(1969) screenplay and then watch the film.

Assignment 1 Prompt:
Read Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid(1969) screenplay and then watch the film. Submit a 250-word response to this prompt:
How did you experience reading Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid (1969) compared to watching it? What elements of the screenplay were “different” from the film? How were they “better” or “worse” “on-the-page” versus “on-the-screen”?
A note on word count: The word counts are a ge as possible. We are not grading on words but on content. You do not need to eneral guide. You may go a bit over or under but try to adhere to them as closely mail your TA if you go a bit over or under. If you go significantly over, we will stop grading at the assigned word count.
This assignment is graded on a rubric.
A grade—-Excellent effort, shows creativity and hard work, clear English. Length is correct according to requirements. If screenplay formatting is required by the assignment, it is correct. If the assignment builds upon notes from a previous assignment, those notes were read, carefully considered, and applied.
(You may need you own streaming account to watch the movie and please make sure your work is Plag-free! Thank you!)

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