The paper needs to be at least 5 full pages in length; length does not include r

The paper needs to be at least 5 full pages in length; length does not include references page, title page, abstract, or appendices.  Students must include at least 5 different resources on the references page. Additional resources are encouraged but not required; Wikipedia cannot be used as a resource. The paper needs to comply with APA style and students need to review papers for grammar, spelling, and punctuation.  Students are encouraged to have their paper reviewed by the writing center and will receive 5 extra credit points if they submit documentation verifying the writing center reviewed the paper with the student.
Outline for the individual paper (50 Points):
Title Page
Overview of Topic: What Is It?
What the Research Shows
My Personal Opinion/Thoughts
 Appendices (if applicable)
Dates to note for the individual paper:
             8/28/2024-Student needs to identify their paper topic
            10/14/2024-Student needs to have their rough draft complete for peer review.
            10/30/2024-Student peer reviews are due.
  11/8/2024-Individual paper is submitted.
Topic choices:
Students must comment on the Individual Paper Topic Forum stating their paper topic choice. Students are required to reply to that thread with the topic they choose for their paper. Keep in mind – it is first come, first serve, as multiple students should not be choosing the same topic. Thus, be sure to read through all of the replies before you post your topic choice to ensure another student has not already chosen it. If there is a persuasive topic the student is interested in that is not listed, students must get approval from the instructor first, which can be sent as a request via email.  Students must choose their Individual Paper Topic by 11:59pm on 8/28/2024. 
CRM 330 Individual Paper Grading Rubric (65 points)
 Breakdown of Points:
              5 pts  Grammar/Spelling/Punctuation
              5 pts  APA Formatting and References (Remember to use both in-text citations and full citations)
            40 pts  Content
                                    2.5 pts Title Page (Needs to follow APA format with a Running Head)
                                       5 pts Abstract (Discuss what the paper will cover, what the research will show, and your opinion; keywords can be included)
                                    2.5 pts Introduction (Introduce the paper topic and discuss the layout of the paper)
                                    10 pts  Overview of Topic: What is it?  (Example: What is Teen Court, how is race related to delinquency, etc.) 
                                    10 pts  What the Research Shows (Discuss research from both sides of the debate)
                                     5 pts  Personal Opinion/Thoughts (Discuss your views and attempt to persuade the reader one way or the other)
                                     5 pts  Policy Implications & Conclusion (Wrap the paper up and discuss any future implications)

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