Generative Artificial Intelligence in the Public Sector Please select a public s

Generative Artificial Intelligence in the Public Sector
Please select a public sector agency or a local government in Israel or in a different country and suggest how its performance can be improved through the integration of a generative artificial intelligence algorithm. As discussed in class, generative AI refers to a class of AI systems that have the ability to produce new, original content or data that resembles human-created output. These systems employ machine learning techniques, typically based on deep neural networks, to learn from large datasets and then generate novel and realistic outputs in various domains, such as images, music, text, or even video.
Provide the selected agency with guidance on how to integrate the algorithm into its day-to-day work by responding to the following questions:
1)     Problems and needs (10 points): Indicate a specific problem or need that the agency has encountered and that can be addressed by the algorithm. 
2)     The algorithm’s operation (20 points): Explain how your proposed algorithm would work and how it would respond to the agency’s problem. Also note who would be responsible for managing and monitoring the algorithm. There is no need for any technical knowledge or descriptions in this section. 
3)     Prior experience with the algorithm (10 points): Refer to at least one example of prior experience with a similar or related algorithm in other countries, other sectors, or other contexts (it does not necessarily have to be “generative” AI). If you selected an algorithm that has not been operationalized yet, provide examples of related algorithms or examples that can inform the operation of your proposed algorithm. 
4)     Changes with respect to the status quo (10 points): Explain how the proposed algorithm would affect or change the work patterns and processes of the selected government agency? Which changes would need to be made with respect to human resources, organizational structures, infrastructure, operational procedures, etc., to enable a full and satisfactory integration of the algorithm?
5)     Challenges and mitigation measures (25 points): What are the main challenges that you foresee with regards to the integration of the algorithm in the work of the government agency (please refer to political, economic, institutional, social, and technical challenges, as applicable)? How would you suggest mitigating these challenges?
6)     Algorithm-specific data governance rules (25 points): which principles should the agency adhere to in the operationalization of the selected algorithm? How should compliance be guaranteed? Please refer to issues that include data collection and storage procedures, data access, analysis and reusage privileges.

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