Continue reviewing the chapters as you work on the article critique assignments

Continue reviewing the chapters as you work on the article critique assignments for Weeks 9 and 10. A lot of material has been covered in the course and it is time to begin pulling it all together. What is important is to learn about writing a proposal, developing a research question, and completing a literature review. You cannot conduct research without a literature review to support your development and process of the study. The assignments are guiding you as you continue developing a preliminary proposal. You are expected to demonstrate an understanding of the material as you continue to learn. It is important that you are able to complete a preliminary proposal for a research study. 
 This week the focus is on learning about Qualitative studies. Qualitative studies are relative because they focus on the lived experience of the participants and offer various ways in which to collect the data necessary for the study. It focuses on the how and why of a phenomenon. Next week you will learn about quantitative studies which focuses on how many and how much looking at causative relationships using hypothesis and collecting data.
If you are proposing a qualitative study, it is important to find journal articles that to support your paper. Make sure you find articles that will work for your proposal. 
(My paper is on Child Welfare and protection. I will be using the Mixed Methods design by targeting parents, children, child welfare programs and policy makers. This will be to gather data about how children are even ending up in child welfare, what is making them at risk to be taken away from their parents. The design I choose to focus on is the quantitative method for my study, I would consider survey based research design. )
Be sure to find a peer reviewed journal article to critique for my final paper. This is all preparing me to write a final paper I will attach the last article here so you don’t use that one.
This assignment must be typed double-spaced, using well-organized paragraphs. Use a minimum of two full pages (no more that 3 full pages). Use the APA format when referencing external sources and include a reference page.

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