Hello buddy, good day, how is everything?. I would share my thesis file for you

Hello buddy, good day, how is everything?. I would share my thesis file for you below and i want you to paraphrase the whole thesisthesis by reducing the Artificial intelligence to 0% and also make the plagiarism to be below 15 % for all thethe work. Furthermore buddy, i want you to make sure that while paraphrasing, i do not want the key terms changed in the work and also the points and the format of the work should not be changed while paraphrasing.
Moreover, i want you to create the table of content inside the thesis from the information in the thesis work below and also arrange the thesis from top to bottom in an organized way because ìt is kind of disorganized.to
I would also need you to arrange the references in the thesis using the APA Format and also making sure all the citations in the thesis are included in the references.
Thanks for your understanding.
Anticipating your positive response.
Best Regards

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