When looking at the psychology journals, the Journal of Forensic Psychology R

When looking at the psychology journals, the Journal of Forensic Psychology Research and Practice. The Journal of Forensic Psychology covers numerous academic fields: Research and Practice, including clinical psychology, law, criminology, sociology, forensic psychology, counseling psychology, and sociology. Promoting justice and social change gives forensic psychology practitioners a place to debate recent developments and research, fosters the original study, and critically examines new information (Taylor & Francis Online, n.d.).
An article titled Coherence in Children’s Reports of Sexual Abuse: Age, PTSD, and Questioning Style by Miragoli et al. (2019). The article covers an analysis of 82 child witness depositions, which revealed that age and narrative coherence were positively correlated, but age and post-traumatic symptomatology were negatively correlated. Coherence was affected more favorably by free invites and closed-ended questions than by open-ended ones. Understanding these factors is essential to enhancing child victims’ safety and assistance (Miragoli et al., 2019).
Victimology is a rapidly expanding field of study that combines sociology, criminology, psychology, and criminal justice to investigate the reasons behind crime. The majority of the data used in Victimology comes from the National Crime Victimization Survey, with a focus on nonheterosexual people, children, women, the elderly, immigrants, and victims of violent crimes (Troshynski, 2022). As a future forensic psychologist, I plan to focus primarily on Victimology, and the journal I looked at showed a lot of articles surrounding Victimology. Learning about these things allows you to see what you could enter or see within the field.
Miragoli, S., Camisasca, E., & Di Blasio, P. (2019). Investigating linguistic coherence relations in child sexual abuse: A comparison of PTSD and non-PTSD children. Heliyon, 5(2), e01163. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.heliyon.2019.e01163
Taylor & Francis Online. (n.d.). Journal of Forensic Psychology Research and Practice. https://www.tandfonline.com/action/journalInformation?show=aimsScope&journalCode=wfpp21
Troshynski, E. (2022). Victimology. Salem Press Encyclopedia, 95343175.

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