Using the links I have provided as well as additional research articles you must

Using the links I have provided as well as additional research articles you must find you will write a final capstone paper encompassing the impact of COVID-19 on the aerospace industry. You need to research the major U.S. airlines (Delta, United, American, Southwest, Alaska…), manufacturers, MRO’s. In your research you should attempt to ascertain the health of the companies pre and post COVID. Financial stability, liquidity, flexibility…
You paper should discuss the aerospace industry. You should make suppositions regarding the aforementioned industry health. I want you to go as far as predicting if you believe certain airlines, MRO’s, manufacturers will not survive the downturn. I want you to also explain specifics as to how COVID has impacted the entire industry, not just the airlines. Remember, this is a fact based paper, so it must be supported by facts not your opinion. You should be able to access stock information and economic viability from corporate reports and research articles. Remember, Wiki sites are not considered credible for the purposes of academic writing. That is not to say the information is incorrect, but avoid them for your academic writing unless otherwise directed. 
Your final paper will be a minimum of 5 pages, 12 font, double spaced. No abstract is required. Title and reference page does not count toward the minimum page count. You may use graphics, but they do not count toward the page count. It must be submitted in a Word document and will be submitted through Turn it In for plagiarism. Your paper must be submitted in APA formatting and you must cite and provide a minimum of 5 references. In order to have a thoroughly researched paper, you will likely have many more than 5 sources. It is very important that you properly format and cite your work. If you do not properly cite your work, you will receive a failing grade. You are encouraged to include charts/graphs, but these do not count toward your 5 page minimum length.

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