Download and open the Access test file below:
SloAnimals.accdbDownload SloAnimals.accdb
StepsOpen the Animals table and change the field length of the AnimalBreed to thirty characters. Change the caption to “Breed”.
Relate the two tables by the common field, and enforce referential integrity.
Examine the data in the tables. Become familiar with the field names and data in each field.
Create and save the following queries, using the names provided (Q1, Q2, etc.):Q1: Create a query to list all the dogs’ names and birthdates for all dogs born after 1/1/2015. Why? This will be used to send out advertisements for puppy training classes.
Q2: Create a query to list the animal type, animal name and offsite for all appointments for cattle that had an off-site visit. Why? We need special vets for farm cattle if we have the demand.
Q3: Create a query to show all the animals that are beagles or all that are bulldogs. Display the Owner Id and the Dog’s name but not the breed field. Why? We need to give them special shots due to a specific virus going around.
Q4: Create a query to sum up all the visit costs grouped by Owner. Show the list in order by Cost, high to low. Instead of displaying the label “Cost” in the result, display “Amount Spent”. Why? We want to see who spends the most with us so we can send them an office calendar.
Create a report that shows every animal name, birthdate, animal type, and breed. Group by Animal type and sort on breed, so they sort in alphabetical order. Use a block layout in portrait mode. The report will be named Local Animals. Make sure no fields or data are chopped off.
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