Initial post: 1. Choose a genetic disease and describe how it is inherited (pic

Initial post:
1. Choose a genetic disease and describe how it is inherited (pick one that the inheritence pattern is known). Describe, numerically, how many of the children could be affected if one parent is a carrier and if both parents are carriers. Describe your response to a couple planning to have children if either one of these situations applies to them as if you were a genetic counselor. For a list of some genetic diseases, see or
2. Ask three questions about genetic disease. Could be about something you are unsure about, or questions you think will be asked on the test. Make your questions more than just yes/no questions – think about what the answer will be so you have an in-depth question that can be answered well. You don’t have to stick to only human genetic diseases, you can also look at mutations in plants or animals. Also, make sure to NOT ask a question that has already been asked by a classmate.
Response post:
Your 3 response posts need to answer in detail at least two questions from the attached word document.. Don’t just put a simple answer, make sure to respond with more information to cover more of the material.
DO NOT COPY AND PASTE ANY ANSWERS. Summarize the material in your own words. Summarizing demonstrates your understanding of the topic and makes you think about the answer. Make sure all is in your own words.

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