Describe the specific global ethical issue you will address for this topic.Name

Describe the specific global ethical issue you will address for this topic.Name the focus. (For focus options, see the items under Topic Choices.)
Name the theme you will address within that focus.
Name the specific issue you will address within that theme.
Describe the prominent ethical dilemma you think exists in this topic.
Explain the benefit of using an ethical framework as it relates to your topic.
Explain how diverse ethical perspectives can benefit how your topic is addressed.
What to Submit
Submit your proposal as a one- to two-page Microsoft Word document with double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins. If sources are used, follow APA citation guidelines when citing sources both throughout and at the end of your paper. Although you will not be graded on the quality of your citations in this assignment, you may receive guidance from your instructor on how to properly cite sources.

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