Value = 20% of final grade. The final assignment, the essay, allows you to resea

Value = 20% of final grade.
The final assignment, the essay, allows you to research a topic of personal interest. The following criteria, however, must be met:
Focus must be on Japan. 
Focus must be on the “extended” 18th century (Japan: 1600s-1820s).
Acceptable topics: literature (prose and/or poetry and/or theatre scripts); culture; visual arts; music; religion; philosophy. ( choose the easiest and most straightforward topic) I think culture is a very straightforward topic and contains more information in the sources below.
Primary sources are required. ( I will uploaded )
It must be a research paper—relevant scholarly books and refereed journal articles are required. Your research must include minimum 3 recognized scholarly articles and 1 book or minimum 2 books and 1 recognized scholarly article. Do not use web sites and resources such as Wikipedia or Baidu (百度)—these are not refereed. The ONLY internet sources that may be used are recognized E-Journals and periodicals. Citations must be in MLA format.
The length of the paper should be approximately 8 pages (2,000 words), excluding the references/works cited page. Font and size: Times New Roman 12.
No plagiarism & No ChatGPT 
The documents that I uploaded consist mostly of articles, tutorial materials, and books that we covered in class. Please keep these sources in mind as they are crucial. The recognized e-journals and periodicals will supplement the document that I uploaded here. Again, please refrain from plagiarizing and avoid using ChatGPT. Thank you!
All the documents below are important and the Early Modern book is very important.
These articles and books are important as well.
(Available online) Chikamatsu Monzaemon, “The Love Suicides at Amijima” in Haruo Shirane (ed.), Early Modern Japanese Literature: An Anthology 1600-1900, pp. 313-347
Haruo Shirane, (Ch. 14) “Early Yomihon: History, Romance, and the Supernatural,” in Shirane (ed.), pp. 563-598
Takeda Izumo II, Namiki Sosuke and Miyoshi Shoraku, “Chushingura: The Storehouse of Loyal Retainers,” in Shirane (ed.), pp. 392-400
 Katsu Kokichi, Musui’s Story, “Introduction” and pp. 1-60
Musui’s Story, pp. 61-157
If you need more info let me know.

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