Purpose: Use pivot table to analyze accounts receivable. Book page p.263 Data: L

Purpose: Use pivot table to analyze accounts receivable. Book page p.263
Data: Lab 1 data. (Canvas)
1. Put receivables in six 30-day buckets.
2. Detail the receivables from 61-90 days bucket.
Follow book example p263-269 (Lab1) to use Excel pivot table and conduct analysis mentioned above.
Screenshot what you have in excel after completing every step below and submit a WORD file.
Step 0: Understand the data
Step 1: Calculate “DAYS PAST DUE”
Step 2: turn the spreadsheet into a table and go to pivot table page by clicking “summarize with pivot
Step 3: drag “days past due’ to Rows and “invoice amount into ∑Values”;
Step 4: Select groups to group receivables into six 30-day bucket
Step 5: Format the pivot table
Step 6: Pull out receivables in 61-90 day time period
To be submitted:
Please submit your assignment in WORD file. Put your screen shot in a WORD file, clearly label your
screenshot such as “Step1”. Put the homework title, your section, and your name in the Title of the file
and name the file the same way “HWTitle_01-JamesBond”. Use your name and section number as the
header in the Word file, such as “01_JamesBond”. Insert page numbers. Points will be deducted if not
following the instructions and you will receive a 0 if not submitted in a WORD file.
1. Screenshot after you finish each step listed above except for step 0.
– Include your name inside your screenshot for Step1, 5, and 6, meaning that you need to type
your name in the spreadsheet so that you can screenshot it. Points will be deducted if no name
is shown anywhere in the spreadsheet.
*when you screenshot a large dataset, just screen shot the first 10 or more rows.
* Note that in the video, I misspoke and said that it is okay to miss Step 3 and 4 screenshots,
which was not what I meant, and it is hard to change. So you need to have step 3 and 4 screenshot

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