Biographical Information: Who is this person? What is their biographical informa

Biographical Information: Who is this person? What is their biographical information, especially as it relates to their philosophical view of communication and ethics? This helps us understand what life experience might have shaped their ideas, and the nature of the culture and the history of the times. This always helps us evaluate how useful an ethicist’s ideas are to our contemporary situation.
What is their specific view(s) on communication? If they do not write specifically about communication, then how do others view their stance on ethical communication? Use specific examples to help us better understand what the ethicist was saying and how we might apply those ideas to a communication situation today. This is key: your report must focus on the ethical communication guidelines or philosophy of your ethicist, not just on their philosophy of life, of humans and of communication in general.
A section where you insert your education analysis of this ethicist and their approach to ethical communication (strengths and weaknesses). This is where YOU get to insert your opinion through analysis.
A reminder on the practical matters: Approximately 7 to 9 pages in length, typed, double-spaced. You should aim for a source per page. Always evaluate the source of information you find on the web to make sure you can defend the credibility of the source. It is much safer to use articles and observations from published books and academic articles as these have been reviewed by other scholars before publication.
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