Please respond to Cheyenne. with. 450. words. a p a style. citations. and refere

Please respond to Cheyenne. with. 450. words. a p a style. citations. and references
Research is essential in the world of education. Creswell and Guetterman (2019) state that research adds to current knowledge as research helps educators to understand a topic or issue. Basic research includes defining a question or goal, collecting data, and presenting an answer (Creswell & Guetterman, 2019). However, taking a deeper dive into the steps of research adds the reviewing of literature, making a prediction to solving a problem, analyzing the data, and providing an in-depth conclusion that includes limitations as well as further research suggestions (Creswell & Guetterman, 2019). Reviewing literature is a very important step in the research process as it provides the researcher with the background information needed to ensure a realistic focal point or idea (Creswell & Guetterman, 2019). Overall, for educators, research helps to improve teaching practices by evaluating approaches within the educational setting (Creswell & Guetterman, 2019).
In order for research to be effective, the researcher must select the appropriate experimental design because the experimental design ensures the appropriate data collection process, analyzation, and reporting to best support the findings for others to learn from and apply (Creswell & Guetterman, 2019). One experimental design to research is action research, and action research is used often by educators. Creswell and Guetterman (2019) state that action research includes procedures completed by individuals in the educational setting for improvement or modification. Moreover, Creswell and Guetterman (2019) suggest that action research encourages change, ensures a democratic approach, and helps to test ideas. There are also different kinds of action research including practical action research, participatory action research, and self-reflective research (Creswell & Guetterman, 2019). Because educators work with students with many different types of needs, action research is essential because it provides immediate feedback to ideas or new strategies that support the diverse set of needs within the classroom.
Important for all research is ethics. Moreover, Creswell and Guetterman (2019) discuss the importance of protecting the participants involved in the study. Therefore, no matter if the research is traditional or action research, educators must hold high ethical standards to ensure that the physical safety and identity of the participants are a top priority at all times. Additionally, all research includes data, either quantitative or qualitative, whichever is better suited for the research question (Creswell & Guetterman, 2019). Quantitative research involves the statistical analysis of information; however qualitative data includes the generalization of ideas, from interviews, transcriptions, images, or even pictures (Creswell & Guetterman, 2019). Research may also include mixed method research as a way to combine quantitative and qualitative methods. As an educator, I am constantly looking for strategies and interventions that will help improve teaching and learning for students. Therefore, I review research for ideas and strategies, and oftentimes, I apply action research to determine the effectiveness of the strategies and practices. In the end, it is important for educators to be able to read and review research, but it is also important to be able to carry out different research designs ethically for the improvement of teaching and learning for all students.
Creswell, J. W., & Guetterman, T. C. (2019). Educational research: Planning, conducting, and evaluating quantitative and qualitative research. Pearson.

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