Topic: Sterility Issues Ultrasound Gel: Project: All Ultrasound Gels and Lotion

Topic: Sterility Issues Ultrasound Gel:
Project: All Ultrasound Gels and Lotions Manufactured by Eco-Med Pharmaceutical, Inc. Recalled Due to Risk of Bacteria Contamination:…
Your presentation should include: 
Definition of problem, communication to all stakeholders, analysis of root cause and how it was determined, solutions, how they were decided upon and what controls will be put in place to ensure the problem does not happen again.
Prepare a 10-minute video presentation on your capstone project. 
1)Information (content) shared is clear, logical and concise.
2)Presentation includes the definition of problem, communication plans summary with all stakeholders taken into account, measurement and analysis of root cause, conclusion of root cause, solutions implemented and the plan to control to prevent the problem from recurring.
3)Video presentation style is professional and includes: eye contact; visual and media are engaging; voice projection; enunciation and articulation; and done at a level for upper management or to be able to be given to government representatives

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