This is our final for Art 101. The final consists of 40 pictures / images of art

This is our final for Art 101. The final consists of 40 pictures / images of art works we saw in class and had been in the quizzes you had taken. The final begins with Etruscan art , Chapter 6 and goes to Gothic Art, Chapter 11. It only includes work we studied since the midterm. It does not include works from the Neolithic to Greece art works. I need you to provide me with the same information about the artworks as you have in the past:
Tell me
1. The name of the object.
2. When it was made.
3. Where it was made ( NOT what museum is currently exhibits the object).
4. Why was it made. what is the object’s purpose. a reminder- Gothic Cathedrals were more than ” A place of worship”.
Art 101 Final. Covering chapters 6-11. Links to an external site.

Posted in Art

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