Submit all your answers in attached document. Case Studies can be found on page

Submit all your answers in attached document. Case Studies can be found on page 657 (Chapter 20) of your textbook. You can also access the online version of the case study by clicking on the link associated with the case study.
1. Diet and Health (DH) Case Study (15 Points)
What percentage of people on the AHA diet had some sort of illness or death?
What is the probability that if you randomly selected a person on the AHA diet, he or she would have some sort of illness or death?
If 3 people on the AHA diet are chosen at random, what is the probability that they will all be healthy?
2. Diet and Health (DH) Case Study (32 Points)
What percentage of people on the Mediterranean diet had some sort of illness or death?
What is the probability that if you randomly selected a person on the Mediterranean diet, he or she would have some sort of illness or death?
What is the probability that if you randomly selected a person on the Mediterranean diet, he or she would have cancer?
If you randomly select five people from the Mediterranean diet, what is the probability that they would all be healthy?
3. A refrigerator contains 6 apples, 5 oranges, 10 bananas, 3 pears, 7 peaches, 11 plums, and 2 mangos. (15 Points)
Imagine you stick your hand in this refrigerator and pull out a piece of fruit at random. What is the probability that you will pull out a pear?
Imagine now that you put your hand in the refrigerator and pull out a piece of fruit. You decide you do not want to eat that fruit so you put it back into the refrigerator and pull out another piece of fruit. What is the probability that the first piece of fruit you pull out is a banana and the second piece you pull out is an apple?
What is the probability that you stick your hand in the refrigerator one time and pull out a mango or an orange?
4. Angry Moods (AM) Case Study (18 Points)
For this problem, use the Anger Expression (AE) scores.
Compute the mean and standard deviation.
Then, compute what the 25th, 50th and 75th percentiles would be if the distribution were normal.
Compare the estimates to the actual 25th, 50th, and 75th percentiles.
5. Physicians’ Reactions (PR) case study (30 points)
For this problem, use the time spent with the overweight patients.
Compute the mean and standard deviation of this distribution.
What is the probability that if you chose an overweight participant at random, the doctor would have spent 31 minutes or longer with this person?
Now assume this distribution is normal (and has the same mean and standard deviation). Now what is the probability that if you chose an overweight participant at random, the doctor would have spent 31 minutes or longer with this person?
6. Suppose that combined verbal and math SAT scores follow a normal distribution with mean 896 and standard deviation 174. Suppose further that Peter finds out that he scored in the top 3% of SAT scores. Determine how high Peter’s score must have been. (10 Points)
7. Heights of adult women in the United States are normally distributed with a population mean of μ= 63.5 inches and a population standard deviation of σ = 2.5. A medical re- searcher is planning to select a large random sample of adult women to participate in a future study. What is the standard value, or z-value, for an adult woman who has a height of 68.5 inches? (10 Points)
8. An automobile manufacturer introduces a new model that averages 27 miles per gallon in the city. A person who plans to purchase one of these new cars wrote the manufacturer for the details of the tests and found out that the standard deviation is 3 miles per gallon. Assume that in-city mileage is approximately normally distributed. (20 Points)
What is the probability that the person will purchase a car that averages less than 20 miles per gallon for in-city driving?
What is the probability that the person will purchase a car that averages between 25 and 29 miles per gallon for in-city driving?

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