PROJECT GUIDANCE Part 1: VIDEO Each of you will produce a minute-and-a-half to t

Part 1: VIDEO
Each of you will produce a minute-and-a-half to two-minute video using the instrumental song that you’ve been assigned. The overall premise is to edit a video using still images and/or video clips that match the tone/feel of the song.
Part 2: PAPER
To accompany your video project, please submit a one-pager that includes the song you used, a description of how you used your assigned song and the imagery to communicate a particular message or feeling to the viewer, and what you used to edit your project.( Simply written)
Song selection : Indian Sitar Music – Raag Bhairavi (Energetic) – Create a video with vibrant visuals, dance sequences, or a dynamic presentation.
Example: Celtic Harp Music – Mist Covered Mountains (Serene) – Accompany visuals of the Scottish Highlands, a historical reenactment, or a sense of solitude.
Pay attention to the pacing of your video. Are your images/video clips in sync with the rhythm of the song? You’ll also want to explore using different transitions and video effects for this project. For example, the Ken Burns effect does a great job of adding movement to still images.
Needs to be done in continuity or discontinuity editing style.

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