Objectives: Complete an investment write-up and recommendation for SKX Your subm

Complete an investment write-up and recommendation for SKX
Your submission should not exceed 5 pages.
Use your judgement to provide something that best represents your work, understanding of the company, and a thorough investment recommendation.
While we would like you to show your understanding of the company, we do not need a detailed background of the company. The focus of your written submission should be on your differentiated prospective view.
Please include the following in your write up:
Detailed Investment Thesis & Recommendation (long or short)
Articulate the key drivers of your investment thesis
Risks to your thesis
Event Path & Catalysts: How will you track your thesis? Please explain/preview significant upcoming events.
Bull/Bear & Valuation
Explanation of bull and bear view
Determine a price target; explain how you get to your price target and what the period is to reach your target
Risk/Reward (probability weights for different scenarios that tie to the bull/bear views)
Business/Industry Overview
How does the company/industry make money?
Industry level dynamics and review of the competitive landscape
Benchmark vs. peers
Outstanding Diligence
Address how you could gain further conviction in your thesis.
The Investment thesis & recommendation that I am going for is Long!

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