You will conduct independent research on an assigned country/topic to discover m

You will conduct independent research on an assigned country/topic to discover more about the Middle East, its people, daily life, and other social, cultural, political and religious aspects of the Middle East today.
You will:
Prepare a slide show on your assigned country/topic, including its history, geography, culture, religion, politics, everyday life, the impact of the Arab Spring, and its present political status.
Include photos, maps, flags, and other graphics to enhance your presentations, and include a 5-10 minute video narration of your slide show.
Submit your Power Point files and video files in the Assignments folder.
A rubric for this assignment can be found under the Progress drop-down menu under Rubrics.
Arthur Goldschmidt Jr. & Ibrahim al-Marashi, A Concise History of the Middle East, 12th edition
Book for the book review (due at the end of Module 7): Bernard Lewis, The Crisis of Islam: Holy War and Unholy Terror. Crisis of Islam

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