For the final position paper, consult five academic sources (not including assig

For the final position paper, consult five academic sources (not including assigned class readings) and compose a 7-page essay (not including cover page and references). The topic can be anything we touched on throughout the entire course, except for topics you wrote about in the first two papers.
Instructions for Position Papers from the Syllabus
Purpose: The research papers in this course invite you to pursue a question more deeply than it was covered in the course materials, with the aid of outside research.
In each of the three papers, research and respond to a philosophical issue touched on in the course materials. Expect to spend time investing sustained thought on issues you find relevant and important on the topics of ethics (paper 1), beauty (paper 2), and any other course subject different from those in your first two papers.
After consulting the prescribed number of academic sources (not counting readings assigned for class) compose an argumentative essay in which you
– outline and argue for your position,
– consider and fairly represent the best objection or two to your position
– and respond to that best objection.
Your argument must actually take and defend a specific position and not just report the range of positions others take. These papers are not a survey of available positions or a history of the topic; they are position papers in which you state and defend a thesis.
You are encouraged to adjust your position as a result of your research. While you need not be fully convinced of your position personally (and you are strongly encouraged to continue exploring lingering questions after this course); nevertheless, your thesis and argument should be firm, specific, well-reasoned, and intellectually humble.

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