Please make sure you are submitting your original work with all references cited

Please make sure you are submitting your original work with all references cited as there will be an AI and plagiarism review. Congrats on submitting your Final assignment for the semester! Here are the instructions once again:
Final Paper – (12-20 pages, doubled-spaced, 12-point Times Roman, with page numbers) Paper title: “My 2024Theory of Success and How I Will Achieve It.” Write a paper that presents your current theory about what the word “success” means for you and how you intend to go about fulfilling your success concept in your life. These ideas and plans should be expressed through mastery of the course readings (Springboard andConscious Business Ethics), at least one major additional ‘reading’ (see note below) that inspires you, additional relevant research that sustains and supports your success theories, and illustrations/stories/examples drawn from the life of a person you admire (an exemplar) from business, social life, your community or culture, the arts, religion, sports, or political history. Be sure to include a discussion of Conscious Business Ethics (aka The Game of Life) and how you plan to personally apply it in order to be successful. This should include an integration of the 6 virtues/character strengths, the 3 internal components of your personal system, and your plan for personal development along the 7 stages of psychology, philosophy, and systems thinking into your Theory of Success. Please be aware that the Final Paper is both a personal statement and a research paper that expresses your personal philosophy. The “additional reading” can be any form of personal or artistic expression– a poem, painting, short story, film, success book, religious writing, play, comic book, photograph – you name it. The more original and thoughtful the paper and examples, the better. The best papers may go beyond course concepts in defining what success means for the writer. Writers who simply survey the material studied in class will not do as well as those who find novel ways to expand, deepen, or invent news ways to think about and/or measure success and connect these ideas to both the lives of their role model and their own lives. Overall, in the best papers, the life of the role model, the extra reading, and the success theories combine to form a well-integrated whole that expresses an understanding about the complexity of life and what it takes to make one’s way in it.
I will add additional information when you accept the job.

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