Choose one of the US companies that is doing business in your country (My countr

Choose one of the US companies that is doing business in your country (My country is France). This should be a company that does more than export products. Complete an internet search and find articles that discuss the process that the US company took in order to establish in your country. For example if my country is Ghana and I know that Uber is operating there. I need to find 2 articles that discuss how Uber was able to establish itself in Ghana. Here are 2 articles that I found: to an external site. to an external site.
Read through the articles and prepare a summary of the information.
Ghana in formation was provided as an example. Use your country NOT these articles about Uber in Ghana.
Compose a 1-2 page paper (MS Word) summarizing the information from your sources. APA format (No cover page or abstract). Include an introduction and conclusion.
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