You can create this assignment in MS Word. This assignment should be at least 1

You can create this assignment in MS Word. This assignment should be at least 1 page in length, technically and grammatically correct. Each assignment must be properly structured. Place the desсrіption of the topic you are addressing above your response. By structuring the assignment this way it will be easier for you to assure yourself you have completed all requirements of the assignment improving the probability of getting full credit.
All your responses need to contain enough information to allow me to effectively evaluate your understanding of the material or concept.
After reviewing the textbook and supplemental resources available in this Module, please respond to FIVE of the following Chapter Review 10 – 6c Discussion Questions found near the end of Chapter 10 in Principles of Supply Chain Management: A Balanced Approach, 6th Edition Chapter 10. Each of your brief responses should contain enough information to convey your understanding of the topic.
10-6c Discussion Questions
1. Define the term customer relationship management and what has impacted the way companies view CRM over the past 15 or 20 years.
5. What is segmenting customers and why is it perhaps the most important activity in CRM? What do firms typically do with the segments of customers?
7. How would an analysis of customer defections help the firm become more competitive?
8. Why is the determination of customer lifetime value important?
10. Describe several ways that CRM applications can increase the effectiveness and productivity of a firm’s sales force.
11. How does your definition of customer service compare to the Seven Rs Rule?
12. Describe some businesses in your area providing good customer service, then list some providing poor customer service.
13. Describe the types of customer service that come before, during, and after the sale. Why are they important to CRM?
17. How should customer satisfaction be measured at a bank? A restaurant? A manufacturing firm? A retailer?
18. Do you think CRM applications unnecessarily invade customers’ privacy? Explain.
19. Describe the steps necessary for designing and implementing a successful CRM program.
20. What is the most common mistake made, when designing and implementing a CRM program?
21. How do you think CRM performance should be measured? Suggest several performance measures for a specific company.
22. What sort of problems can occur with a firm’s existing or legacy CRM applications?
23. What do big data and big data analytics refer to?
24. Why is CRM program user training so important? How could the training requirement be minimized?
Your assignment should be at least one page in length (double-spaced)

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