Assignment brief, FAQs & rubric for Assessment 3 Digital Journalism Research 52645
Assessment requirements and FAQs
Submitting assignments
Please put your name and contacts on your final project and submit this to the Assignments zone of Canvas (Turnitin) by the 2359 on the DUE DATE Friday of week 12. Please do not use a coversheet.
Assessment task 3: Final Project
Weight: 50%
Task: Students design, conduct, and present an original journalism research project in the form of a 2,000-word written essay. Students apply a key digital journalism studies concept and approved research method to the analysis of empirical data. Findings should be discussed in the light of relevant concepts and relevant previous research on digital journalism. Each final project must include a discussion of how the principles of research ethics and diversity were applied. VIEW the subject outline –
Length: 2000 words
Due: Friday of week 12, 11:59pm
Further information:
Reflections on ethics and diversity need to be informed by engagement with FASS undergraduate research ethics processes and relevant diversity resources including scholarship or guides on inclusive research and journalism, diversity in the community and Indigenous issues.
Students are advised to read this assessment brief and assessment criteria rubric before finalising their assignments.
Marking criteria A3 – see marking rubric below:
Criterion Weight (%) SLO CILO
Depth of critical analysis 25 a, b 2.1
Depth of engagement with scholarly research 25 a, b 2.1
Reflection on research ethics and diversity principles relative to professional practice 20 d 2.2
Originality of ideas in the context of contemporary digital journalism research 20 d, e, f 2.2
Accuracy of referencing 10 e 6.2
So what exactly are we doing?
In this assessment, you are expected to present your original journalism research project in the form of a 2,000-word written essay.
This means you need to make visible in your essay details of how you designed and conducted your project exploring some aspect of journalism. What did you do? How did you do it? What aspect of journalism did you investigate (professional journalists’ practice; news media articles, broadcast items, podcasts, online presence, features, magazines, vodcasts, etc.; audience responses or audience power)? What journalism studies concept did you select from the required reading* and apply to your data. Please note your data can be previous research – if your research method is “literature review”.
Students apply an approved research method to the analysis of empirical data – please take care to name and briefly explain your method, ideally citing at least one methods source.
Your findings should be discussed in the light of relevant journalism studies concepts – introduce your key concept early in the essay and then make sure you discuss your results using a minimum of one journalism studies concept from the required reading.
Your findings should be discussed in the light of recent relevant research on digital journalism – do your findings confirm those in research you have looked at (and discussed in A1)? Do your findings challenge anyone else’s findings?
You must include a discussion of how the principles of research ethics were applied – use the FASS UG research ethics resource to find concepts you can use when stating how you know your project was conducted ethically. Please view the FASS UG research ethics guide here:
If your project does not involve other people then it’s nil/negligible risk – use concepts from the FASS guide to explain how you know this.
If you’re involving other people please get your tutor’s OK before you survey or interview anyone AND make use of the FASS guide. Even if you are not involving other people, you need to consider your own safety. If your topic is sensitive please check your topic and method with subject coordinator.
You must include a discussion of how the principles of diversity were applied – describe briefly how you have considered at least one kind of diversity in your project. Did you include Indigenous researchers, issues of importance to Indigenous people, or samples from Indigenous media? Did your sample come from more than one part of the community/world? Did you reflect on how your chosen topic might be of significance to different ethnicities, CALD people, LGBTGI-plus people, women, people living with a disability?
Tips on essay types:
Elements to include:
– An outline of your research topic – this must be something to do with journalism, ideally digital journalism. Try to highlight what makes your work original.
– Main question(s) – what are you trying to find out? A strong question includes these elements: the topic area; a key concept from the reading list; a selected data type; a specific community; a specific aspect of journalism.
– Explanation of key journalism studies concepts – use one or two concepts from within a required reading* – use short quotations to explain the concept to demonstrate you have grasped it. Use direct quotations and examples from previous research and cite your sources clearly.
– Discuss recent research and take care to evaluate strengths and weaknesses of the work of other scholars to increase the depth of your critical analysis. How does their work help you answer your question? RESOURCE In Canvas: ~
– You can use this tip sheet to evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the research you are critiquing. You can include this in an appendix if you like.
– Descriiption of your selected research METHODS – are you using literature review? Content analysis? Source analysis? Framing? Bourdieu? Please use a method you can understand. If you’re not sure about what method to use then choose literature review [SEE this UTS guide here:]. If you’re doing a content/source/frame analysis, then please take care NOT to take on too big a sample. Compare and contrast is your friend – compare two news outlets, two nations, two time points, or representation of two different parts of society, etc.. Please do not try to analyse all the news on a topic – pick key moments, look at two outlets at a particular day or even hour if there is masses of coverage of your topic. For literature reviews, be selective – choose recent papers which are directly about or very close to your topic.
– Explain research ethics in relation to your professional practice as an undergraduate student doing a small research project – use the FASS guide and see the points made above about ethics.
– Explain diversity principles – describe briefly how you have considered at least one kind of diversity in your project. See diversity tips above.
– Include a statement about the value or significance of your project – how can it form your professional practice and that of other journalists?
– A clear list of references using APA referencing style –
Goals include:
– demonstrate your capacity to design, conduct and present your original and ethically sound digital journalism research project in an essay
– critique relevant recent digital journalism research
– demonstrate your capacity to explain and apply at least one key digital journalism studies concept
– learn the value of analysing patterns in journalism practice, products, or audiences to improving your own professional practice
– develop your capacity to use ethics and diversity concepts to understand professional practice in research and journalism
– show how you can link your own results back to previous studies
Marking rubric for Assessment Task 3: Final Project
Criterion Fail Pass Credit Distinction High Distinction
Depth of critical analysis
25 pct No analysis is presented A discussion of previous research or of journalism practice, products, or audiences is presented Recent research is critically evaluated and/or an original analysis of journalism practice, products, or audiences is presented The strengths and weaknesses of a range of recent previous studies are critically evaluated and/or an original analysis critiquing journalism practice, products, or audiences is presented The strengths and weaknesses of a range of recent previous studies are critically evaluated and/or an original analysis critiquing journalism practice, products, or audiences is presented. Findings are discussed in the light of previous studies and insights for professional practice are offered
Depth of engagement with scholarly research
25 pct Previous scholarly research is not discussed. No engagement with Indigenous research is evident. Journalism studies research is discussed including at least one reading from the required reading* list. Indigenous research is mentioned. Journalism studies research and concepts are used to inform the design of the project and a well-formed project question. A project method is identified.
Some engagement with Indigenous perspectives or issues research is evident. At least one required reading* is discussed. Recent journalism studies research and concepts are used to inform the design of the project, methods, and a useful and well-formed project question.
Thoughtful engagement with Indigenous perspectives or issues research is evident. Relevant quotations are included. A project method is explained and a methods reference is discussed and cited. Direct quotations are used. At least one required reading* is discussed. Journalism studies research and concepts are used to inform a mature project, including project design, methods, and an excellent project question.
Thoughtful engagement with Indigenous perspectives or issues research is evident. Relevant direct quotations are used appropriately.. A well-chosen method is used and explained citing a relevant methods reference. At least one required reading* is discussed.
Reflection on research ethics and diversity principles relative to professional practice
20 pct Research ethics and diversity and professional journalism practice are not discussed Research ethics or diversity are discussed but with little depth. Professional practice is mentioned. Research ethics and diversity are discussed, and the FASS ethics guide is cited along with relevant diversity resources. The significance to professional practice is discussed. A thoughtful discussion explains how ethics and diversity are incorporated within the project development. The FASS ethics guide is cited along with relevant diversity resources. Links to professional practice are offered using specific examples, quotations & detail. A mature and sensitive discussion explains how ethics and diversity are incorporated within the project development. The FASS ethics guide is cited along with relevant diversity resources. Insights linking principles to professional practice are offered using specific examples, quotations and detail.
Originality of ideas in the context of contemporary digital journalism research
20 pct No original research is presented An original analysis of relevant journalism studies research is presented or an original analysis of journalism practice, products, or audiences is presented An original project question is posed and answered either through a literature review of relevant journalism studies research or through an original analysis of journalism practice, products, or audiences.
A concept-driven original project question is posed and answered either through a literature review of relevant journalism studies research or through an original analysis of journalism practice, products, or audiences. Findings are discussed in the light of
relevant concepts & recent research. Research ethics & diversity principles are mentioned. A concept-driven original project question is posed & answered either through a literature review of relevant journalism studies research or through an original analysis of journalism practice, products, or audiences. Findings are discussed in the light of
relevant concepts & recent previous research. Insights for professional journalism practice are offered. Research ethics & diversity principles are discussed.
Accuracy of referencing
10 pct References are not
provided for all
Poor use of
citations /
numerous errors
or omissions making it hard for readers to
find original sources A small number of
errors or areas for
improvement, but still
possible to locate
sources. APA referencing
style is used. Correct referencing
throughout with very few
errors. Good adherence to
APA referencing style.
Correct referencing
throughout with no errors in
content or style. Accurate use of APA referencing style.
* Required readings include: the required readings in the subject outline, the Handbook of Journalism Studies or the Handbook of Developments in Digital Journalism Studies
Subject Learning Objectives
a. Critically evaluate relevant digital journalism research
b. Explain and apply key digital journalism studies concepts
c. Select, describe, and apply journalism research methods
d. Develop understanding of professional practices and contexts through research ethics and diversity principles
e. Design, conduct, and present an original digital journalism research project
f. Discuss empirical findings in the light of relevant concepts and previous research
A3 objectives – a, b, d, e and f

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