You are required to answer both of the questions below. Each answer should be ap

You are required to answer both of the questions below. Each answer should be approximately 4 double-spaced pages, with 12-point Times New Roman font. Each answer should have an introductory paragraph that summarizes your argument/findings and a conclusion that reiterates your argument and wraps up the essay. In total, you should have approximately 8 double-spaced pages of writing. Work cited and title pages do not count towards this page total. Please note that your answers need to be clearly written, easy to understand, and free of typos and sloppy grammatical errors. Essays that are difficult to understand, sloppily written and poorly organized will be penalized accordingly.

Question 1: This term, we have learned about different variables that influence state behavior. One variable we have discussed is polarity, or the number of great powers that exist in the international system at a given point in time. What is the current polarity condition of the international system? Is the current system unipolar, bipolar, etc.? Is the current polarity condition conducive to stability between countries? Why or why not? This answer is worth 20 points out of 40 points.
***Note that this answer is asking you to make an argument. Your job is to clearly define how you are measuring what makes a state a ‘great power’ and to develop an argument using the theories/approaches (realism, liberalism, constructivism, feminism) from class as to what the current distribution of power means for the stability/instability of the system. Your grade on this essay will be based on how well-developed your argument is and your use of the theories in the development of the argument. I do not care what your specific argument is, only that it is well-developed and flows logically from the theories we have learned about in the course.
Question 2: This term, we have read theories and approaches that argue that factors such as norms, international institutions, and gender influence state behavior. Select two of the factors mentioned above and discuss a recent event in IR that demonstrates how these factors influence state behavior for the event you have selected. The event needs to be a different event than the one you analyzed in your lens paper. This answer is worth 20 points out of 40 points.

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