reflect on inequality between the genders. Then, consider the functionalist thin

reflect on inequality between the genders. Then, consider the functionalist thinking that gender inequalities provide positive functions in society. For your essay, choose one of the following positions:
Functionalist thinking that gender inequalities provide positive functions in society is correct, which is why the feminist movement has, and continues to, hit roadblocks in terms of creating lasting social change.
Functionalist thinking that gender inequalities provide positive functions in society is incorrect. The reason the feminist movement has, and continues to, hit roadblocks in terms of creating lasting social change is due to the innate nature of social change and social movements.
Your essay must include the following:
A definition of social inequality and feminism according to the text, as well as in your own words
An explanation of the characteristics of social change
A clearly stated opinion for your support of one of the statements
A logical argument of your position

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